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Cal Bears Solving Real-World Problems At Kintone's Berkeley Coding Dojo Hackathon

Written by Nicole Jones | Oct 5, 2017

A group of University of California, Berkeley students won Kintone's Dojo Hackathon contest with a cloud application they built for solving global food waste.

With pizza in hand and only one hour, 30 students in groups of four got to work to solving a real-world problem using Kintone, a low-code application development platform.


Students could create customize applications on the platform using JavaScript API, Rest API, Webhook and other tools for limitless creative possibilities.


The group with the winning app "What's in My Fridge?" featured an innovative use of Javascript and calendaring to track cost-savings and encourage less food waste. The other groups also presented stand-out solutions, including:


  • TrackIt Real World -- Workflow calculation of employee work efficiencies
  • Bill CALculator --  Tipping calculator and analytics package
  • Healthflow --  Electronic Health Record solution from hospital to pharmacy


"The students were exceptional in the execution and implementation of their web applications," said Thao Le, Kintone Sales Engineer. "I was quite impressed and loved their team storytelling efforts during their pitches."
Kintone Product Manager Masato Soma said the ability for students to build complex apps that solved real-world problems in less than one hour speaks to Kintone's user-friendliness.
"It's quite amazing that these students with limited Kintone knowledge went from idea to executing a fully-functioning application." Soma said. "Imagine how organizations with limited developer resources, or overburdened IT teams could be so much more efficient with this type of business application platform."
The winning team went home with Amazon Echo Dots, in addition to a new and faster way to solve problems with code.