January Kintone product updates will take effect on January 11, 2021.
Japanese Business Manager (Vin) and Sales Consultant (Yukiko) from our parent company, Cybozu, review the January 2021 Product Updates
New Features
Displaying the Record Last Updated Date
Added the "Last Updated Date of Record" column to the App Management page. This makes it easier to find apps that haven't been updated in a while.
Feature Improvements
Option to Automatically Remove HTML Tags in CSV File OutputAdded a new option to automatically remove HTML tags from the Rich Text fields in exported CSV files.

Enlarge Attached Images While Editing Records
While adding and editing records, attached images will now be enlarged when selected.

Enhancement of Localization
App Action buttons can now be localized. You can add translations of names for Action buttons in English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese.

Enlarged App Selection Field
We have enlarged the app selection field to select items for setting up Lookup and Related Records more easily.