June Kintone product updates will take effect on June 12, 2020.
New Features
Add All Fields Button For Exporting And Setting Up A View
Use the "Add All" and "Clear All" to select or clear all fields to be exported to save time and back up all data.
Quickly set up all fields for Export.

Quickly set up a View with all fields.

Feature Improvements
Improved Error Messages
Improved error messages to better identify where errors have occurred when saving a record.


Expanded Email Notifications
Now you can get notified via email for new messages and thread mentions.

The following notifications can now be sent via email:
・Someone sent a Message to you: "To Me" Notifications
・Someone mentioned you on People threads: "To Me" Notifications
・Someone posted on your People thread: "To Me" Notifications
・Someone posted on People threads you follow: "To All" Notifications
Formula Autocorrect
Any formulas that contain function names that are entered in lowercase or mixed case (i.e., if, Sum) will automatically be updated to uppercase. You can use an uppercase, a lowercase, or a mixed case when you enter a function name in a formula.


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