August product updates will take effect on August 9, 2019.

New Features

New App Action Capability 

Values in fields that are included in a table can be copied with App Action
Product Update
Values in a Radio button, a Check box, and a Multi-choice can also be copied
Product Update
Feature Improvement
Developer Experience Enhancement
Increased the maximum size for uploading JavaScript and CSS files to 20 MB for system-wide platform changes and app-level changes.
System-wide JavaScript and CSS Customization:
Product Update
App-level JavaScript and CSS Customization:
Product Update
Mobile Feature Updates
Added features to move between records from a record view:
∧:Go to the previous record
∨:Go to the next record
Product Update
Showing number of comments on a record view:
Product Update
Prompting Users to Update App
Users will be prompted to update the Kintone mobile app when using older versions.
Product Update
Changed the “Previous” and “Next” icons to align with mobile UI
Product Update
∧:Go to previous record   ∨:Go to next record
Product Update
Updated wordings displayed on “Service Usage” from "Records" to "Records per App" and from "Fields" to "Fields per App." This is not a change to our service, pricing or packaging.
Product Update
Product Update
Kintone Free Trial CTA

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