November Kintone product updates will take effect on November 8, 2020.
Japanese Business Manager (Masato Soma) and Sales Consultant (Yukiko) from our parent company, Cybozu, review the November 2020 Product Updates
New Features
App Administrator Notes
Now you can use Administrator Notes for a variety of purposes. It can be used to take notes for yourself or to share important points to be remembered with other administrators.
Only app administrators can view and edit the notes.

For now, notes will be empty when creating an app using an app template or using an existing app. This will be available in our next update.
Duplicate Records Using App Actions
Added a convenient way to copy a record within the same app using App Actions.

Additionally, changed the default value of "Available To" that limits users who can use the action from "Logged-in user" (a user who is setting up the action) to "Everyone" (all users). This will prevent users from hiding the action button unintentionally.

Feature Improvements
Error Messages ImprovementsImproved error messages while trying to set up Related Records and Lookup.

Moved App Group Setting to App Permission Settings Page
The "App Group setting" moved from "Appearance" in the General Settings to the app permission settings page for convenience.

Completed Adding Help Links to Dialog Boxes
Newly added Help links to the following dialog boxes in the app and field settings:
- Appearance
- Color Theme
- Webhooks
- Slack Integration

Easy Ways to Open Links in a New Tab or Window
Opening links on the Settings menu in a new tab:
- press the middle mouse button or the wheel button of the mouse
- hold CTRL while left-clicking
Opening a link in a new window:
- hold Shift while left-clicking

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