October Kintone product updates will take effect on October 9, 2020.
Japanese Business Manager (Masato Soma) and Sales Consultant (Yukiko) from our parent company, Cybozu, review the October 2020 Product Updates.
New Features
Quick Create App Template Files
Now you can create app template files quickly and easily by clicking "Download App as Template" on the App Settings page. You can easily share apps and features with others domains.

This feature is only available to System Administrators and will not add a new app template to the app template management list. "Download App as Template" feature was added to the "Management" section and "Delete This App" feature moved to a new section under "Deletion."

Reordering Action Buttons
With Drag & Drop, you can now reorder action buttons as you like for a user friendly interface.

Feature Improvements
Enhanced App ManagementCreated Datetime is available on the App Management page.

New Links to Help Topic
Relevant Help links are added as dialog boxes in app and field settings.
Ex) Process Management
Ex) Process Management
Other dialogs such as Appearance, Color Theme, Webhooks, and Slack Integration will be added in future updates.
Ex) Field settings