When setting up Kintone or expanding its use between departments, it can be good practice to establish more than one Kintone Admins or change your Admins altogether. Kintone Admins will have all the permissions within the platform, including access to Users & System Administration and Kintone Administration. Here's a walk-through on how to add or remove Kintone Admins (you must be an Admin to do this).

Adding & Removing Users as Kintone Administrators

  1. From Portal Home, click the Gear wheel and select Users & System Administration
  2. Under User Administration, select Administrators.
  3. To add users as Administrators, select one or more users from the left and click Add.
  4. To remove users as Administrators, select one or more users under Administrators on the right, and click Remove.
  5. Once finished, click Save.

We highly recommend having at least 2 administrators within the platform. This will make it much easier if an Admin has trouble logging in or if an administrator is out of the office. 

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